Pacemaker Installation

A pacemaker is an advanced, small electronic device that is implanted under the chest to regulate the slow electric problems in a heartbeat. It comprises three parts - a pulse generator, single or multiple leads, and an electrode on each lode. The main function of the Pacemaker is to send signals to the heart and stimulate the heart rate either if it slows down or goes irregular.


Who Needs A Pacemaker?

A pacemaker is primarily recommended for patients suffering from slow heart rate or bradycardia. In this condition, the heart rate pauses and can lead to fainting and other critical symptoms. Certain patients may need to regulate or prevent tachycardia or faster heartbeat. 

Other conditions that would need a Pacemaker are:

  • Problems in electrical signaling of the heart
  • Patients who have been on long-term beta blockers to lower blood pressure
  • Congenital heart problems
  • History of heart attack
  • Awaiting heart transplant
  • Enlarged heart
  • Risk of heart failure

How Is Pacemaker Implantation/ Installation Done?

Implantation of the Pacemaker is done under local anaesthesia. Your surgeon would make a tiny incision under the collarbone, where the pacer will be inserted slowly, guided by lead wire into the blood vessel and then to the heart. The functioning of the Pacemaker is then tested by ECG and Fluoroscopy. The pacemaker generator will then be placed on the non-dominant side of your body (right side for lefties, left side for right-handed). The patient can then go home after a few hours, depending on the condition.


Pacemaker adjustment may be needed depending on your medical condition. It is often done with a device called a programmer, which regulates its functioning by sending magnetic signals via a wand placed on the chest.

Not all the time. If the leads are working properly, your doctor may leave them intact and just replace the Pacemaker.

Most Pacemakers last up to 7 to 9 years. After this period, they would require a change in the battery or pulse generator. It is done as an outpatient procedure.

Yes! You can travel by air or drive a car. However, check with your doctor before planning travel and do it only after complete recovery.

If you are healthy and cleared by your doctor, you can do moderate exercises.

You may initially feel its weight in the chest but will get used to it. It is a very small device and weighs less than 30 grams.

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